Our steering committee meetings are held using Zoom. The meetings begin at 7:00PM, generally last until 9:00PM and are open to club officers, committee members and invited guests. To receive an invitation contact the NFA president.
Our meetings are held at the Haller Lake Community Club located at 12579 Densmore Ave. N., Seattle, WA. 98133.
The meeting begins at 7:00 p.m. with introductions and new members. We then have an educational program featuring a guest speaker who is usually a fishing guide, NFA member, or conservationist talking about some aspect of fly fishing. Finally we have fishing reports and the business aspect of the meeting. The meeting usually concludes around 9 p.m.
Guests: If you are not a member please be sure to introduce yourself and sign in at the membership table near the door. You'll get a name tag, a free raffle ticket, and additional information about the club.
A Beginners’ Fly-Casting Class is being offered. The class instructors are John Townsell and Jim Black. John has taught fly-casting to individuals and other fly clubs for over 50 years. Jim is an FFI-certified fly-casting instructor who has taught fly-casting classes for 10 years.
They will teach you fly casting methods and provide a printed lesson plan so you can use it to practice outside of class.
There will also be 4 other NFA volunteers to give you personalized instruction on common fly-casting skills.
Student Expectations:
*This leader is good for learning how to cast but not so good for actual fishing.
1. No barbed hooks will be used. A bit of yarn at the end of each fly line will be used to provide the weight needed to cast
2. Students must wear a hat and have eye protection. NO EXCEPTIONS.
Where: Directions.
Soccer Field just north of the Senior Center at Lake Ballinger, City of Montlake Terrace. The NFA can use ALL of the field for the class.
General Information / Technical Questions: