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Northwest Fly Anglers   

A Family Oriented Fly Fishing Club
  • Welcome
  • Holiday Party and Auction

Holiday Party and Auction

  • December 08, 2024
  • 5:00 PM - 8:00 PM
  • Haller Lake Community Center


(depends on selected options)

Base fee:
  • Holiday Party.

Registration is closed

The annual NFA Holiday Party and Auction will be held on December 8th at the Haller Lake Community Center. You can make your reserva­tions and buy raffle tickets on line at the club’s website. This year's dinner will be a pot-luck and the party takes the place of our December meeting. 

Members should bring a potluck item.
If your last name begins with:

  • A-H, bring desserts 

  • I-Q, bring appetizers or side dishes

  • R-Z, bring main dishes

The club will furnish a non-alcoholic punch. If you want something else to drink, you may bring anything else. Food and fun begin at 5. There will be lots of opportunity to socialize. Bring the whole family and friends.

Get your name tag, raffle tickets, and bidder card at the check-in table. (Or purchase your raffle tickets in advance when you register for the event online.) Proceed to the raffle tables and put your tickets in the raffle boxes (raffle tables close at 7:00). Also check out the items in the silent auction area. Don’t forget the bake sale table. Silent auction and bake sale bids are made by writing your bidder number and bid amount down on the sheet with each item. Note the rules concerning minimum starting bids and each additional bid.

The Awards Ceremony begins at 7:00 with the President’s Opening Remarks, followed by the Service and Merit Awards.  Following the cer­emony there will be short break leaving enough time for a last minute bid at the Silent Auction tables.

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