A Beginners’ Fly-Casting Class is being offered. The class instructors are John Townsell and Jim Black. John has taught fly-casting to individuals and other fly clubs for over 50 years. Jim is an FFI-certified fly-casting instructor who has taught fly-casting classes for 10 years.
They will teach you fly casting methods and provide a printed lesson plan so you can use it to practice outside of class.
There will also be 4 other NFA volunteers to give you personalized instruction on common fly-casting skills.
Student Expectations:
*This leader is good for learning how to cast but not so good for actual fishing.
1. No barbed hooks will be used. A bit of yarn at the end of each fly line will be used to provide the weight needed to cast
2. Students must wear a hat and have eye protection. NO EXCEPTIONS.
Where: Directions.
Soccer Field just north of the Senior Center at Lake Ballinger, City of Montlake Terrace. The NFA can use ALL of the field for the class.
General Information / Technical Questions: