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Northwest Fly Anglers   

A Family Oriented Fly Fishing Club

NFA Picnic

  • July 21, 2016
  • 6:00 PM
  • Good Shepherd Center/Meridian Playfield Park in Seattle


Registration is closed
The Annual NFA Picnic will be held on Thursday, July 21 at the Good Shepherd Center/Meridian Play Field Park in Seattle. The NFA returns to the spacious and almost-private pavilion area on the southwest side of Seattle’s Good Shepherd Center just off of N 50th Street (between Sunnyside and Meridian Avenues N). Parking is on the east side of the property or along Meridian. The club provides burgers and hot dogs, members bring a potluck item.
If your last name begins with:
  • A-H, bring appetizers
  • I-Q, bring side dishes
  • R-Z, bring desserts
There will be ice water, so bring a non-alcoholic drink if so desired. Food and fun begin at 6. There will be casting and lots of opportunity to socialize. BYOC (chairs). The picnic replaces the regular monthly membership meeting. Bring the whole family and friends.

Please be sure to register so that the organizers will know how much food to bring.

To view pictures from previous picnic, click here.

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