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Northwest Fly Anglers   

A Family Oriented Fly Fishing Club
  • Welcome
  • Miller Creek Conservation

Miller Creek Conservation

  • May 18, 2019
  • 9:30 AM - 12:30 PM
  • Burien, WA

Registration is closed

The Miller Creek Trail in Burien provides valuable fish and wildlife habitat. The creek supports spawning Coho each fall. Join your friends and neighbors for a few hours Saturday, May 18th, to help maintain and improve the stream-side habitat.

What: Rip out invasive weeds around the stream and around native plants to protect our previous efforts of weeding, planting native trees and shrubs, and mulching around plantings to help inhibit weeds, retain soil moisture, moderate soil temperatures, and reduce erosion. Taking steps to ensure tree and shrub survival will benefit the creek and the salmon that inhabit the Miller Walker Basin.

When: Saturday, May 18, 2019 9:30 a.m. -12:30 p.m.

What to bring:

·       Filled water bottle and gloves if you have them

·       Sturdy shoes

·       Rain gear

No experience necessary. Training, tools and snacks provided.

Location: Burien - along the Miller Creek trail- from the intersection of S. 144th St. and S 144th Way, walk south along S 144th Way, and turn right onto the trail. We'll be on the right.

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