Only members in good standing and their guest(s) will be allowed to register for an outing. Good standing is defined as renewing members, whose membership dues are fully paid by March 31st and new members.
For those outings with a cost to them, the initial registration is considered a temporary place holder. Payment of the outings fee(s) is necessary to maintain the registration and reserve a place on the outing.
It is an expectation of members that each outing’s fee(s) shall be paid within 30 days of the initial registration. If payment is not made, the outings registration will be cancelled. If registration is made less than 30 days prior to the outing, the registration fees shall be paid immediately. The registration cut-off date is the same as the cancellation date for each outing.
For those outings without a fee (primarily local day outings), the registration deadline is the same day as the cancellation deadline.
If any member needs to spread payments out over a period of time, that member has a responsibility to contact the Outings Chairperson to discuss their situation prior to the 30-day deadline.