It's time to hang up the waders and turn the boots upside down, the body has caught up with the age or is it the age that has caught up with the body. With all that said, I would like to say a few words about the people who got me started and introduced to the NFA in 1972. Andy Hall who gave me the encouragement to become of the first certified fly casting instructors in the state; Dawn Holbrook for his guidance on fly fishing, casting and rod making, and the many individuals who made up the NFA. To the Bow River outings, the trips to British Columbia lakes, the Deschutes River in OR., and to some of my favorite waters in eastern Washington. I will always be a life member of the NFA and cherish the memories. I can't fish any more, so I will say goodby to a sport that gave me great pleasure and to the many individuals who I helped in teaching how to cast a fly rod and fish the fly.
Tight Lines Always, Gary Todd