Outing Coordinator: Wayne Balsiger
This outing has been arranged with the Rock Island Fish Camp. All food and lodging is included in the price. We told them that we would have a maximum of 16 people. The cost is ~$950 (US). The exact RIFC cost depends on the exchange rate and will be determined in late May. A $210 deposit is required at the time of registration. The balance is due when we send an email in early June when we know the amount. You may pay the $210 via credit card. The balance can be paid via check or credit card, plus covering the card fees.
June 1 is also the cancellation date. After that point, there is no refund unless you can find someone to take your place. Much of the information on their website is reproduced below. Members who have been there before include Wytold Lebing, Peter Maunsell, Errol Flagor, Bill Gibson, Wayne Balsiger, Walt Shields, and Peter Rubenstein.
Although this is technically a no-host outing, Wayne Balsiger will act as coordinator and contact point with the RIFC staff. Generally, people have carpooled with other members.
The drive can be done in one day.
The Lakes:
Rock Island Lake is located on B.C.'s famed Nehalliston Plateau. Elevation - 4,200 ft. Some of our walk-in lakes are 5,000 ft. - 5,500 ft. The lakes vary in depth from deep volcanic holes to shallow beaver dams. They differ in water, from clear to marl bottoms to dark tea-colored lily pad ponds.
Most of the lakes have boats on them, but some remote walk-in lakes are only float-tube fishable. Take your tube and enjoy the day. Four lakes are easily accessed from camp, within a fifteen-minute walk or short row. Most of our outer lakes are road accessible, some with a drive and walk. Rock Island has electric motors available for rent at $10 a day.
The Fish:
All the lakes have only one species, "The Famous Wild Kamloops Trout." You have to hook one to know why they are called Wild. They will dance for you! No coarse fish are in the lakes—the trout range from pan size to 5 lbs. Fish up to 7 lbs have been caught. There may be some flies available at the lodge.
Rock Island Lake Fishing Camp has six cozy log cabins, each with 3 – 5 beds. All are fully equipped for housekeeping, with propane cooktops, wood stoves, towels, cooking and eating utensils, and cold running water. Firewood and kindling are at your door. There is an ample supply of ice for your portable coolers. Showers, flush toilets, and hot water are all centrally located.
Home Cooked Meals:
Jeannie serves hearty, home-cooked meals in the cozy lodge. If you have any special dietary needs or restrictions, please let Wayne know when you make your reservation. They will do their best to accommodate you.
You will need to bring:
- Pillows, bedding/blankets (sleeping bag).
- Bath towels.
- Your toiletries.
To make your trip more enjoyable, you should bring:
- Fishing gear.
- Comfortable life jacket.
- Flashlight and a battery-operated light for your cabin if you would like.
- Warm clothes and rain gear (you are in Canada at 4200', and it can get chilly).
- Comfortable footwear, walking/hiking footwear for hiking into lakes (other than Rock Island) (generally, waders are unnecessary), but waterproof or water-friendly footwear is helpful.
- Snacks, alcoholic beverages, soda & bottled beverages. ) RIFC provides three hearty meals but no snacks, canned soda, or alcohol).
- Any cash or check for any tip you may decide to leave.
- This may be the last year for stopping at the Little Fort Fly and Tackle, which may close if it is not sold. This is an excellent shop for flies. Leave early enough in the day to get there before they close for the day of your arrival.