Conservation Event - Please join us for the next conservation event coming up soon! Carkeek Park is in our Haller Lake neighborhood and needs volunteers for their monthly work party. We will be doing trail work to protect habitat from erosion.Come ready to shovel dirt, improve trails, protect watershed.

Piper’s Creek runs through Carkeek and empties into Puget Sound at a mixed sandy, rocky beach. The creek hosts a very small run of chum salmon. Near the mouth there is often good sea-run cutthroat fishing. Park volunteers maintain a demonstration salmon program that helps to educate the public on salmon, water quality, and watershed issues.
This work party is organized by Carkeek STARS (Streams, Trails, and Reforestation Stewards) - part of the Carkeek Watershed Community Action Project. Please respond to this email by saying you will attend and use the "Join This Event" which you will find here. Registrants will receive 5 free raffle tickets redeemable at the NFA monthly meeting.
What to Bring
Gloves and water will be provided, but we encourage you to bring your own bottle of water, to reduce plastic waste. Please wear sturdy shoes and dress for the weather.
Where to Meet
950 NW Carkeek Road, Seattle WA 98177. From I-5 take the Northgate Way Exit. Head west, Northgate way becomes N 105th St. Cross Greenwood Ave N and veer left onto Holman Road. Turn right at the next stop light onto 3rd Ave NW and follow it to NW 110th St. Turn left onto NW 110th St. which becomes Carkeek Park Road. When you arrive at the main entrance to the park, at the bottom of Carkeek Park Road, as soon as you pass the gate turn into the parking lot at the Environmental Learning Center. Signs will direct you to the place where we will describe the work and get tool
Where to Park
Parking lot at the Environmental Learning Center, 950 NW Carkeek Park Road.