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Northwest Fly Anglers   

A Family Oriented Fly Fishing Club

Beginning Fly Tying

  • January 30, 2018
  • 7:00 PM (PST)
  • March 06, 2018
  • 9:00 PM (PST)
  • Haller Lake Community Club, 12579 Densmore Ave N, Seattle, WA 98133
  • 0


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A Beginning Fly Tying Class is offered to the public.  It will be taught by David Williams and Eric OlsonThis is a beginner class that will teach students not only how to tie a fly but by the end of the class to proficiently tie some very challenging flies.  The list of flies that will be tied include carey special, woolly bugger, chironomid, pat stone, pheasant tail nymph, gold rib hare’s ear,  elk hair caddis, royal wolf, compara dun and dun parachute.  Add to that immense educational base will be Dave’s input when and where to use the flies! The cost of the class is $60 and that will include materials to tie all of the flies and a description and pictures of all the flies to be tied during the class.  The patterns the class will tie were originally selected by Jim Higgins who did an excellent job of choosing patterns that build on skills learned each week so that by the end of the class students will be able to tie many patterns that are not only excellent flies to fish but will develop skills to tie many other different patterns. Students need to bring their own tools which are scissors, bobbin, bodkin, hackle pliers, whip finisher, dubbing twister, bobbin threader, vise and a tying lamp, which is optional. Students should purchase the best vise and scissors their budget allows and scrimp, if necessary, on the other tools. Materials for the flies will be furnished by NFA. More information: contact David Williams or Eric Olson

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